Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's the last day of April and I was just thinking of what Jack LaLanne said about food, if man makes it don't eat it. When you think about it, everything we eat should to some degree either help to build our bodies or help in the healing process of our bodies.

If we are eating things that are tearing our bodies down, we're helping with the dis-ease in our body. The aches and pains may be signs to us that we need to do more to nourish our bodies with the foods we eat.

Food should nourish our tissues and cells, and help build our bones and strengthen our nerves. It should be fuel to carry us through the day. Perhaps we should give more thought to what we eat. If it's not helping to build or to heal our bodies maybe we shouldn't eat it.

I know sometimes we get a taste for something sweet or salty, but we have to be careful of the foods we chose to eat to satisfy that desire.

Let's choose what we eat wisely to build and heal our bodies.

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