Thursday, February 28, 2008


A diet REGULARLY low in fiber is linked to increased incidence of colon cancer, heart disease, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, constipation, gallstones, diabetes, obesity and appendicitis.

The western diet has come to consist of sugar, fat, and white flour in various forms, ultra-refined bread, cereals, doughnuts, cakes, pies, cookies, instant potatoes, and white rice.

It is only "modern enlightened civilization" which has recently given us our current highly processed grease filled, sugar laden high calorie diet.

Now look at man's original diet: Gen. 1;29,30

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every HERB bearing SEED, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the FRUIT of a tree yielding SEED: to you it shall be for meat.

No mention of doughnuts and cookies, pies and cakes or high sugar laden calories, hot dogs, hamburgers, fries..... you get my point.

Actually, the green HERB was originally given to the animals as their meat.

It wasn't until after the fall of man that the "HERB of the field" (Gen. 3:18) was added to man's diet.

Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator.

Now don't think this is a religious piece. I'm just taking a look at what we're consuming and the affect it is having on our bodies. Of course the pollution of the air and water and ground is not helping matters any either. But our original diet gave us plenty of FIBER.

Fiber is the roughage needed by the intestines to move their contents ( the boo-boo ) through the digestive tract. Fiber acts like a sponge in the stomach. It prevents and relieves constipation. It keeps the stool ( the boo-boo ) moist, soft, and bulky. If you go to the bathroom and can read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation before your stool ( the boo-b00 ) passes, you're connnn-sti-pated.

I'm not recommending any particular diet. Eat this, don't eat that, but think about what you eat because it is going to have an affect on your HEALTH, and that's what this is all about.

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