Saturday, May 31, 2008


I discovered a site about health that I would like to share with anyone who's looking to improve their health. This is the last day in the month of May and I think sharing this site is the best way to end the month,

I encourage you to visit The Health , here's to your health!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Food should be nourishing to your body. Something to eat will satisfy your taste buds or ease your mind temporarily. Food can be both nourishing for the physical body and for the mind. Do you feed your mind as often as you feed your body?

Do you feed your mind to develop yourself spiritually and mentally as often as you feed your body to sustain yourself physically.

Do you carefully consider the written materials and visual materials that your mind absorbs?

Do you carefully consider the foods that you choose to eat daily?

Food or something to eat. Foods that nourish, help heal and repair tissues and feed cells or just something to eat to satisfy the taste buds. twink-twink!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's the last day of April and I was just thinking of what Jack LaLanne said about food, if man makes it don't eat it. When you think about it, everything we eat should to some degree either help to build our bodies or help in the healing process of our bodies.

If we are eating things that are tearing our bodies down, we're helping with the dis-ease in our body. The aches and pains may be signs to us that we need to do more to nourish our bodies with the foods we eat.

Food should nourish our tissues and cells, and help build our bones and strengthen our nerves. It should be fuel to carry us through the day. Perhaps we should give more thought to what we eat. If it's not helping to build or to heal our bodies maybe we shouldn't eat it.

I know sometimes we get a taste for something sweet or salty, but we have to be careful of the foods we chose to eat to satisfy that desire.

Let's choose what we eat wisely to build and heal our bodies.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I was reading an article in Vital Magazine, a Michigan health and fitness magazine, about Jack LaLanne whom they call the Godfather of fitness. LaLanne who is 93!!!, was the first to host a televised exercise program which aired in 1951.

LaLanne says that each morning a 6am, he hits the gym and lift weights for 90 minutes and then spends 30 minutes in the pool. He says use it or lose it.

His diet!

If MAN made it, he doesn't eat it.

He says he eats five or six raw vegetables a day, three or four fresh fruits, whole grains like brown rice, fish and a little turkey. He eats twice a day and eats eight egg whites.

Do you have an excuse left?

I didn't think so!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I was at work talking with a co-worker about the number of women who are having surgery to lose weight. As we talked we were amazed at the number. Every time I would mention someone he would mention someone else and we went back and forth.

Then we both said the crazy thing about having the surgery is you have to give up eating certain foods because they seem to make you sick. It just seems to me that if you are going to discipline yourself after you have surgery, why not do it before you have surgeryI.

At least if you attempt to lose weight by changing what, when, and how much you eat, if you fall off the wagon you wont make yourself sick. Plus you can always begin again and again and again if necessary.

Don't think of losing weight in terms of; I have to start eating rabbit food, lettuce, and celery sticks. I'm going to have to eat a bunch of bland food and I won't be able to treat myself. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Eat more often but eat smaller portions. Eat leaner meats, increase the variety of vegetables and fruits you consume. Make smoothies and other non-alcoholic drinks. Make healthier snack choices.

Include moderate exercise like walking, biking, swimming, aerobics, light weight lifting, yoga or some other form of exercise.

If you start letting them cut on you, you might get an, oops! And oops!, can be deadly!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Building a strong body should begin on the inside of our body's. Just as we build muscle through exercise we Also need to build and repair and nourish our body's. We first have to cleanse our system so that all the food we take in can be digested and the nutrients can be distributed throughout the body for maximum benefits.

One way to get started is with "The Master Cleanser" or "The Lemonade Diet" by Stanley Burroughs.

You can find the book at Local health food stores.

The only ingredients you'll need are Lemons or Limes, pure maple syrup,and cayenne pepper.

Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man, and they are available the year round.

Maple Syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine and Silicon. Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic acid.

Get the book, it's a must for everybody interested in rebuilding their health.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


The colon is about 5 feet long and about 2 1/2" in diameter, better known as the large intestine, and the small intestine is about 20 to 22 feet in length and 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Combined that's about 27 1/2 feet of tissue in our body that is used to digest the food we consume. After everything our body needs has been extracted, it is passed into our blood or lymph system, and what we can't use becomes waste (the boo-boo) composed of millions of dead bacteria and mucus that must be eliminated from our body.

Imagine all the food you consume in the course of a day if you eat three meals a day and the side treats in between meals. Now if you don't have a B.M.(bowel movement), where do you think all of that food is going to be. And if you don't have a B.M. for 2 or 3 days you'll have a backlog of boo-boo.

And that my friend can wreck havoc on your body, having all that bacteria and waste backloged in your system. Think of the plumbing in your toilet. If it gets clogged up and the waste and the water in the pipes becomes stagnant because the toilet won't flush, think of the bacteria that would be breeding in the toilet bowl.

Well if you don't eliminate the waste out of your body it becomes a breeding ground. The boo-boo must be eliminated on a regular basis. That means on a daily basis. Take the time to release it out the slide shoot (my youngest daughter's term ) every single day. A boo-boo a day will help keep the doctor away or you away from the doctor.

Have- you- had- your- boo-boo today!!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


A diet REGULARLY low in fiber is linked to increased incidence of colon cancer, heart disease, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, constipation, gallstones, diabetes, obesity and appendicitis.

The western diet has come to consist of sugar, fat, and white flour in various forms, ultra-refined bread, cereals, doughnuts, cakes, pies, cookies, instant potatoes, and white rice.

It is only "modern enlightened civilization" which has recently given us our current highly processed grease filled, sugar laden high calorie diet.

Now look at man's original diet: Gen. 1;29,30

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every HERB bearing SEED, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the FRUIT of a tree yielding SEED: to you it shall be for meat.

No mention of doughnuts and cookies, pies and cakes or high sugar laden calories, hot dogs, hamburgers, fries..... you get my point.

Actually, the green HERB was originally given to the animals as their meat.

It wasn't until after the fall of man that the "HERB of the field" (Gen. 3:18) was added to man's diet.

Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator.

Now don't think this is a religious piece. I'm just taking a look at what we're consuming and the affect it is having on our bodies. Of course the pollution of the air and water and ground is not helping matters any either. But our original diet gave us plenty of FIBER.

Fiber is the roughage needed by the intestines to move their contents ( the boo-boo ) through the digestive tract. Fiber acts like a sponge in the stomach. It prevents and relieves constipation. It keeps the stool ( the boo-boo ) moist, soft, and bulky. If you go to the bathroom and can read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation before your stool ( the boo-b00 ) passes, you're connnn-sti-pated.

I'm not recommending any particular diet. Eat this, don't eat that, but think about what you eat because it is going to have an affect on your HEALTH, and that's what this is all about.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Mrs. C. , MY wife, my Lover, my woman, my friend, my buddy-pal, my sidekick,
OH! Poncho, OH! Sisco! I drank whiskey and Poncho drank the wine!


Left to right. Chisara pronounced Chi-sa-da, ( Chi-Chi ), my oldest 24yrs old, Civil Engineer, graduated from the University of Detroit Mercy, now married to Fenton Oscar Brown Jr., Chemical Engineer, also an Alumni of the University of Detroit Mercy.

Next! My baby-girl, Aisha ( Buddah, because she was a fat baby ) 17yrs old, freshman at Wayne State University, Bio-Medical Research major, minor in Dance.

Next! Jessica ( J.J.) 21yrs old, Mother of Imani Nia, my GRAND-daughter , Oakland University, Nursing

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


WATER is the most essential component in your diet. We can live up to 40 days without food, but you will die within seven days without water. Your body is between 65-75% water. We are what we drink! So as you eliminate water from your body you must replenish your body with water.

Water is the key to all bodily functions. Your circulation system, it helps in assimilation, digestion of food, elimination of waste, and body temperature.


The body needs WATER!

Pop, beer, alcohol, juice, coffee, kool aid, punch, all contain water in them, but your body needs to consume plain old W-A-T-E-R!!!!!!


WATER is the key to ALL bodily functions.

The adage, "you are what you eat" is true, and equally true is the fact that "you are what you drink".



Sunday, February 24, 2008


There is nothing more important than your health.

We'll put the finest clothes on the outside of our bodies, but we'll put anything on the inside our bodies. We'll put premium gas in our automobiles and junk food in our stomach. We'll learn about everything under the sun, except, what will help us stay healthy.

I guess, since we have health insurance and doctors and hospitals, if we get sick we'll just whip out the old insurance card, slap it down on the admitting desk and take a number.

Well the old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is still true.

If you had Bill Gates money, but someone had to pick you up and put you in bed, someone had to sponge bathe you, change your depends, clean you up afterwards, spoon feed you, when they took you to your limo, they had to carry you and put you in it, you would probably be willing to give up your riches for good health.

When we have our health, we tend to take it for granted. We all should take a little time to find out what makes us tick, and how to keep ticking.

I want to start sharing some information on by blog about health and hopefully start a dialog with others so as a people we can make better choices about what we eat.

We lost one of our City Council members here in Detroit as a result of complications due to gastric bypass surgery. She died too young. I don't believe in stapling, tying, clamping or wiring you stomach, jaws or anything else in order to lose weight.

Healthy choices in our food, exercise, fasting, supporting one another will go a long way in saving lives.

I will be getting back with you!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Don't cut yo belly, staple yo tummy, tie off yo organs, deal with unknown side effects.

There's nothing more important than your HEALTH!

Why go through all those changes just to lose weight, and have someone tell you that you can't eat this or you can't eat that or it will make you sick.

Do you have to have someone cut yo belly, staple yo tummy, tie off yo organs and tell you not to eat something to lose weight????

Take a close look. Most people have flabby arms, flabby belly's, flabby legs, and sunken faces after they've been cut, tied, stapled, and sucked to death!!!


Let's make better choices about what we eat.

If you keep wink-ing at twink-ee and his cuz-ins cup cake and candy, keep shout'n HOT DOG!!!and "do FRIES come with that SHAKE" , you're going to find yo-self in trouble with a capital T.

Think about it. Everything you put in yo mouth, has an effect on yo body for better or worse.

Now lets get down to basics.

Yo body needs nutrients!!! Nutrients come from ENZYMES and ENZYMES come from the foods you put in yo mouth.


Carrots, beets, potatoes, celery, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, string beans, lima beans,broccoli, corn, apples, oranges, plums, grapes berries like straw and blue and ras, grapes, grape-fruit, tangerines, lemons, bananas, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, cucumber, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, melons like water, cantaloupe, all type of nuts, almond, walnut, peanut, cashew, pecan, filbert, coco-nut.

Dairy foods: fat-free or low-fat milk, yo-gurt, cheese.

Whole-grain breads and cereals

You get the picture!!!

Food goes in yo mouth - ENZYMES brake down the food into nutrients yo body can use - the nutrients are used by yo body to keep you ALIVE and HEALTHY without ------ cutting yo belly, stapling yo tummy, tying yo organs, or sucking the LIFE out of you.